Author Archive | Pencil Gymnastics


Sensori-motor experience leads to changes in visual processing in the developing brain

Karin Harman James Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Abstract Since Broca’s studies on language processing, cortical functional specialization has been considered to be integral to efficient neural processing. A fundamental question in cognitive neuroscience concerns the type of learning that is required for functional specialization to develop. To address this […]

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Efficacy of a Manualized Intervention, Pencil Gymnastics, on Improving Manual Dexterity for 5 to 7 Year Old Children

Efficacy of a Manualized Intervention, Pencil Gymnastics, on Improving Manual Dexterity for 5 to 7 Year Old Children Natalie deBruijn, OTS; Christine Gaw, OTS; Sara Huntley, OTS; Emily Jamieson, OTS Abstract This quantitative pre-test post-test study investigated a manualized intervention, Pencil Gymnastics*, to determine its efficacy in improving manual dexterity in children (n=13) between the […]

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